What is a Partial Hospitalization Programs?

Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) offer comprehensive, structured treatment for individuals needing help with addiction. These programs provide a level of care that falls between inpatient and outpatient treatment, offering intensive therapy during the day while allowing patients to return home or to a sober living facility at night.

The goal of PHPs is to help individuals transition from more intensive levels of care, such as inpatient rehab, to a lower level of care while still receiving support and treatment that is tailored to their needs. PHPs typically involve daily group therapy sessions, individual therapy sessions, and medication management if needed.

This is our most comprehensive program that offers assistance to individuals battling substance use who don’t need round-the-clock care.

The program is tailored to each person, providing over 20 hours of programming weekly for 4 to 5 days, based on individual requirements.

It is suitable for those moving on from residential or inpatient treatment, facing the challenges of reintegration into their communities. It also supports people needing additional daily support while residing at home.

How a Partial Hospitalization Programs Helps With Addiction

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) at Alpine Recovery serve as a critical step in the continuum of care for individuals grappling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). These programs are designed to provide an intensive level of treatment while allowing patients to live at home, thus offering a balance between structured therapy and real-world experience. The PHP model at Alpine Recovery is anchored in evidence-based practices and is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual.

In this setting, patients engage in a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to recovery that includes individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy sessions, and educational workshops focused on relapse prevention, coping strategies, and life skills development. This holistic approach ensures that clients not only work on overcoming their addiction but also build the resilience and tools necessary to sustain long-term recovery.

Alpine Recovery’s PHP allows for a smoother transition from more intensive levels of care like inpatient treatment to less structured outpatient services by providing a supportive yet semi-independent environment. It acts as a bridge, supporting clients as they begin to reintegrate into their daily lives outside of treatment. The flexibility of the program means that it can be easily adjusted to fit the changing needs of the client as they progress through their recovery journey.

Getting Started With Alpine Recovery

Our goal is to ensure our services are both accessible and affordable. We're pleased to announce that we accept the majority of major insurance plans, enabling you to take advantage and get quality care without straining your finances.

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I'm Jesse; I am an alcoholic. I attended Alpine Recovery Services from April 2009 to April 2011. I started with 9 weeks of IOP and then moved into 26 weeks of MRT. I followed all the rules of the program and embraced the assignments given to me. I began attending AA regularly as one of the requirements and found a group of people that I could truly relate to. One of the requirements of Alpine was to read a book by Dr. Milam called Under The Influence. It highlights the physiological aspects of alcoholism and how it related to my condition, which was instrumental in understanding why my body is alcoholic compared to normal people. They also required us to read the first 164 pages of the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous, which taught me a new way to live clean and sober. I saw people come and go throughout my time at Alpine and they all seemed to share one commonality. They all thought they could make their own rules and that the professionals at Alpine were out to get them. What I found was people who were extremely knowledgeable in their field and that truly wanted everyone to recover. One of my counselors showed me how to laugh and enjoy living in recovery that was key to learning and accepting a new way to live alcohol- and drug-free. I just celebrated 7 years clean on April 14, 2016, and could not have achieved that without my beginnings in Alpine Recovery Services. Thank You Alpine for helping me find a new way.

Jesse / Lynnwood, WA

I immediately felt welcome at Alpine from the moment I first walked through their doors. After 22 years in active addiction and losing nearly everything I cared about, I had no idea how to live life without drugs and alcohol. With the help and guidance of their counselors in the group setting there, I became honest with myself and others so that I could learn the tools necessary to stand on my own two feet, with confidence, in a life filled with Hope, Faith and Courage. I've now been free from all mind-altering substances for over a year and continue to work a strong program with the tools I learned in the intensive outpatient program and continuing care classes! The things I had let slip away are returning to my life and I've never felt better or more capable!

THANK YOU, ALPINE RECOVERY!!! You showed me how to reclaim my life!

John / Stanwood, WA

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Freeing yourself from Addiction doesn't have to be hard. Take the first Step and begin filling out the form, it's the initial phase in achieving a healthy recovery. We offer the necessary guidance and professional care crucial during the early treatment stages.